I'm in law school, and I worry about being left behind every day.
If you asked my classmates, I bet they would say they also get worried about being left behind.
Can everyone get left behind? Do the people who are "ahead" also worry they have been left behind? If so, then this feeling bears a curious relationship with reality.
Validating quote from a famous person:
No one wants to be caught dawdling on the platform while the train is leaving the station; no one wants to miss out on the goodies at a time when the supply seems to be running short. Still, I think we need to ask ourselves...where is the line between...positive pragmatic vigorous determination to sieze the moment, and, on the other hand, a half-blind hurry driven not by joy or real commitment, but by the terrifying fear of being left behind? -- Peter Buffett, Life is What you Make it.